NTU School of Computer Science & Engineering

Exam Welfare Pack S1 2015/2016

by admin / November 10, 2015


Hello SCE-ians,

Did you manage to collect your Exam Welfare Pack for this semester? Seems like this semester’s EWP was as overwhelming as the last few semesters’. And we should give a big thanks to our sponsors that provided us all those goodies for this semester!

Our sponsors can be seen by clicking on this link.


ewp photo 3


The day students had fun together with their friends while collecting their Exam Welfare Pack.

Guess what? This semester, the Students Affairs Office and the School of Computer Engineering had sponsored FREE Chewy Junior Cream Puffs for everyone to enjoy! So did you manage to grab some of this sweets puffs while collecting your EWP last Tuesday?


FREE Chewy Junior

For more of our pictures, you can click on this link here.

We hope that all of you had enjoyed the EWP distribution day last Tuesday and here’s wishing all of you GOOD LUCK for your exams. (:

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